Orono, MN

House & Commercial Painting in Orono, MN

Why Choose Get Fresh Paint for Services in Orono, MN?

  • Work with experts who have over 15 years of experience.
  • Create an amazing residential or commercial space with professional services.
  • Choose experts who are Official PCA Members and BBB Certified.
  • Get lasting results backed by total insurance coverage.

Professional Painting Services in Orono, MN

No matter the size of your project, we streamline every experience to meet our customers' needs. Our priority is to give you a beautiful and amazing finish, and when you work with the Get Fresh Paint experts, you get a customized solution built from over 15 years in the industry.

Reputation is everything, and our community makes us great, so we prioritize 100% customer satisfaction and pride ourselves on being the best in the business.

House Painting Commercial Painting

Our House & Commercial Painting Services

From specialized design to traditional finishes, we work year-round to keep your residential and commercial property looking amazing. Our services are streamlined, so we always make scheduling easy and offer a free quote for any project.

Our expert services include:

Your time is money, and we understand that. We're happy to offer one-on-one consultations to ensure we understand the depth and complexity of the job to meet and exceed your expectations. From exterior to interior surfaces, we do it all, and we are here with professional painting services you can depend on.

Setting up an appointment in Orono is just one click away, so reach out today for more information.

Get Your Paint Quote


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